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The Mechanism for International Sustainable Infrastructure Promotion has been launched to foster sustainable development

Posted: Sep 29, 2022

On 28 September 2022, the China International Contractors Association (CHINCA), GIZ, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) jointly launched the Mechanism for International Sustainable Infrastructure Promotion (MISIP) at the 13th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum (IIICF) in Macao, China.

The mechanism aims to bring together international resources, build a cooperation promotion platform and a network of partners to carry out infrastructure projects in a more diversified, inclusive, greener, low-carbon, and more climate-resilient way, according to Fang Qiuchen, chairman of CHINCA.

In addition to the 5 initiators, MISIP has attracted additional 21 institutions from both China and abroad, including financial institutions, professional service institutions, think tank and research institutions, and infrastructure companies.

To realize the objective, MISIP will focus on six main tasks including:

  1. promoting knowledge sharing and application of international ESG (environmental, social, and governance) standards;
  2. boosting financing cooperation to implement higher social and environmental standards;
  3. strengthening capacity building to support enterprises improve their sustainable development capabilities;
  4. advocating best practices;
  5. providing ESG risk prevention or sustainable development consulting services, to support the construction of sustainable infrastructure projects;
  6. building a broad network of partnerships, to jointly promote innovative cooperation modalities in the field of infrastructure.

As one of the co-initiators of MISIP, GIZ co-organized a side-event on “Multilateral Cooperation Mechanism for Low-carbon Infrastructure” on the second day of IIICF, in cooperation with AIIB and CHINCA. The Regional Director East Asia of GIZ, Thorsten Giehler, delivered a keynote speech in the side-event.

Germany has been implementing the 2030 Agenda since 2017 through its Sustainable Development Strategy. By bringing together synergized efforts among CHINCA, AIIB, UNEP, WWF and all the stakeholders on global sustainable infrastructure, GIZ is confident that MISIP will create positive impact on the development of international sustainable infrastructure, contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, and eventually, will become a global public good, said Mr. Giehler.

CHINCA and GIZ share a cooperation history of 15 years on sustainable infrastructure. Since 2018, the cooperation between the two partners has been implemented in the framework of the Sino-German Center forSustainable Development (CSD).

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