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MGG call for application©IDOS

MGG Academy 2023 – Call for applications from China

Posted: Feb 08, 2023

The German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) has opened the call for applications to its training and dialogue format Managing Global Governance (MGG) Academy 2023 which will take place from 17 August to 3 December 2023 at IDOS in Bonn, Germany. Online application is open until 5 March 2023.

What is the MGG Academy?

Financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the MGG Academy is a training and dialogue format for highly qualified young professionals from governmental institutions, think tanks and research institutions, civil society and the private sector from Europe to rising powers including China, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa.

It supports future change makers who are dedicated to global cooperation and a transformation to sustainability. Addressing global challenges by building trust, learning from diverse perspectives, and co-creating solutions form core assets of the MGG Academy.

How can you or your institution benefit?

The Academy combines a broad range of working methods, including practical experience and participatory approaches, training, lectures and discussions with experts, study trips and peer coaching. Participants of the Academy are offered a global learning journey to explore solutions for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and broaden their perspectives by learning from peers with other sectoral and national backgrounds. They can build up intense interpersonal contacts to their peers and have access to the MGG network of institutions.

MGG Alumni contribute an international network and a global perspective. They have developed their leadership competencies and possess a profound ability to address global governance issues in their institutions’ work. Opportunities are generated for new forms of cooperation on innovative ideas, concepts and projects, and partnerships are thus established in a vibrant global network of institutions contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

What does MGG Academy offer?

The participants in the MGG Academy are granted a scholarship from the German Federal Government. The scholarship covers the current costs of living, all MGG related costs and travel expenses in Germany and Europe as well as health, personal liability and accident insurances during the training in Germany.

The scholarship ensures an adequate standard of living in Germany. However, it is not sufficient to provide financial support for families or relatives, neither for a visit to Germany, nor at home.

Who can apply?

Candidates should work in a partner institution of the MGG network or in an institution that is interested in future cooperation, have the support of their employer, have a passion for global cooperation and sustainable development, and be ready to participate in an intensive, full-time programme. She or he should also have a very good command of the English language, between 25 and 40 years old, and have at least three years of working experience. Sensitivity to other cultures, open to teamwork and to a broad variety of working methods are also important.

For general information on the MGG Academy 2023 please click here. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact:

Dr. Tatjana Reiber, Head of MGG Academy


Ms. Shitao Du, Senior Advisor, Sino-German Center for Sustainable Development


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