
中德可持续发展中心 > 新闻与活动 > Triangular Cooperation Pilots – Call for Proposals Open to China

Triangular Cooperation Pilots – Call for Proposals Open to China

Posted: 4 月 28, 2022

A new mechanism to pilot triangular cooperation between China, Germany, and partner countries from the Global South has recently been introduced with a Call for Proposals. Interested applicants from China and the Global South can hand in their proposals in the period from 11 April to 29 May 2022. The mechanism is launched within the framework of the Sino-German Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) by the Fund for Triangular Cooperation with Asia.

What is the Fund?

The Fund for Triangular Cooperation with Asia complements the modalities for triangular cooperation under the CSD. It seeks to advance triangular cooperation as an innovative modality with Germany, South-South cooperation providers in Asia including China, and other developing countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the 2030 Agenda.

What is the Call for Proposals?

The Fund seeks to receive proposals for triangular cooperation pilots (measures that can be completed with a nine-month period), which are jointly prepared by a Pivotal Partner from China, and a Beneficiary Partner from developing countries to provide practical solutions to development challenges faced by the beneficiary partner. All stakeholders including civil society, business sector, academia, public sector and international organizations may submit proposals. All pilot activities shall contribute to at least one Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Specific requirements for submitting a proposal can be found here.

Why is the Call for Proposals relevant to your organization?

As a Pivotal Partner, you can make your development experiences work for other countries that are dealing with similar challenges. As a Beneficiary Partner, you get the chance to learn from approaches and solutions from experienced peers. In triangular cooperation, all partners benefit from widened networks, consolidated relationships and broader shared knowledge and more effective and contextualized solutions.

How can your organization contribute to a triangular cooperation pilot?

As a Pivotal Partner organization, you can contribute technical expertise and/or funding to the triangular cooperation pilot jointly with the Fund as a Facilitating Partner. Each partner needs to allocate and ensure funding by itself to cover respective contributions. As a Beneficiary Partner organization, you can contribute logistic and thematic inputs to a triangular cooperation pilot, while funding is not necessarily required.

For further information, please visit the Fund website to find more resources on triangular cooperation and detailed FAQ on the Call for Proposals.

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