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Triangular Pilot TVET Trainings for Mongolia—successful virtual cooperation during the Covid-19 pandemic

Posted: Nov 28, 2021

On 26 November 2021, Mr. She Xiang, a Chinese lecturer specialized in new energy vehicle technology from Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics (ZJTIE), sat in a physically empty classroom in Hangzhou, China. Yet, he could introduce theories and practices of how to diagnose deficiencies for hybrid electric vehicles to 22 vocational school teachers from Mongolia joining online.

It was the last day of three vocational training courses which started on 8 November 2021. In cooperation with the Vocational Education Training Partnership (VETP) in Mongolia, Shenzhen Polytechnic (SZPT), ZJTIE, and GIZ, the Sino-German Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) piloted the vocational trainings for 73 teachers and technicians from three Mongolian vocational colleges and private entities, on three topics including Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Building, and Hybrid Electric Vehicles.

Mongolia’s economy has experienced a rapid growth in the last decade, but the lack of skilled workers is becoming a constraint of Mongolia towards a more continuous and inclusive economic growth. In the Vision 2050, Mongolia’s long-term development policy, teacher development and skills training through multiple ways and engagement of stakeholders in teacher training is encouraged.

As a member of the Network of International Centres for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNEVOC) of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), VETP visited China in 2018 and established partnerships with two additional members of the UNEVOC Network in China, SZPT and ZJTIE. The three institutions decided to cooperate and provide capacity development for Mongolian vocational school leaders and teachers.

The plans, however, had to be put on hold due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. In April 2021, the idea was picked up again by the Support of Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia (SRECA) project in GIZ China and the Cooperative Technical and Vocational Education and Training (cTVET) project in GIZ Mongolia. Utilizing the East Asia network of GIZ and the rich experience in bilateral TVET projects between Germany and Mongolia, GIZ and CSD connected the Mongolian and Chinese partners, and kicked off the cooperation again, online this time, on 31 May 2021. After further coordination with Chinese and Mongolian partners a training plan for November 2021 was finalised, also based on CSD experiences in transferring ongoing no-site cross-border TVET trainings into virtual formats.

Despite implementing everything online, the satisfaction rate for the three-week courses was very high. 97.5% percent of the participants were very satisfied or satisfied with the training overall. The knowledge gained during the training also increased significantly: 72 participants indicated their knowledge in the respective topics improved to good or very good compared to only 10 before the trainings.

“I had a strong desire to explore the possibilities of introducing lessons on the object-oriented programming into our school’s curriculum”, one participant commented in the assessment after the training, “we also learnt that hybrid and distance learning can facilitate our work”.

Together with Mongolian participants and the GIZ cTVET project, the learned content will also be assessed further and potentially introduced in ongoing cooperation with Mongolian stakeholders. CSD will follow-up with respective Chinese partners to plan further triangular interventions in 2022.

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